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Quick Solutions

Ferret Pipe Master

Ferret Pipe Master (FPM) specialises in the underground maintenance and repair of drains.

At Ferret Pipe Master, we unblock sewer and stormwater drains with our high pressure jetters, which cut through the toughest tree roots and remove soil and foreign matter out of drains. 

We have the latest technology drainage cameras, which are used to locate drainage issues. Our Ridgid Cameras are used to locate problem areas without excavation. A sonde can be transmitted from the camera head and the transmission is received by the Ridgid Locator for surface location. This means that electrical communication cables, water pipes, metal locator traces and other utility services can be detected with our equipment, saving hours of guess work and frustration.

We also use our infrared cameras to find hot spots for the location of electrical faults, heat transfer, heat loss and other surface temperature fluctuations, saving you copious amounts of time, money and energy.

Ferret Pipe Master makes high pressure cleaning easy with our 35,000kpa machines. If you need walls, paths or concrete looking great, then you need the Ferret Pipe Master Team.

And wait, there's more... Ferret Pipe Master's emergency water/waste transfer pump can be used to displace 170 litres per minute of liquid with solids up to 30mm. 

Don't delay, call Ferret Pipe Master today on 0407 200 100.

Ferret Pipe Master: Services
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